Meet the children

At the Big Hug Foundation we are doing everything we can to help India’s disadvantaged children fulfill their potential. Whether that be creating a stable, caring environment, advising troubled parents and guardians, or supporting social and educational programs, we have seen some profound improvements in the lives of dozens of children, all thanks to our generous volunteers and sponsors.

The children residing at our first project, the Cornerstone Children's Home are all destitute street children. Some are orphans, whilst others are runaways escaping a life of poverty, neglect or abuse. The children at the home are aged 2-17; currently there are 7 girls and 22 boys. At such a young age these children have suffered more than most will ever experience in a lifetime. However, with the support from volunteers at the home, the children have made great advances. The volunteers provide them with counseling and a lot of much needed love and attention when they first join the home.

Priti, a three and a half year old girl is a very loveable child who hails from a very poor family. Priti's parents have had no formal education and want Priti to be educated. Through IICP and the Jugnu programme, a door has been opened for Priti and her family’s aspirations. 

Sponsor Priti Das

Gowri is 9 years old, and dreams to work for the government. Your donations and support can help ensure he receives the right level of care and attention he deserves. 

Sponsor Gowri Shankar

Johan's mother became pregnant with him as a result of a rape attack. As a newborn baby, he initially suffered from malnourishment but with the support of volunteers at the Cornerstone Home he is now making great advances. 

Sponsor Johan

Dharshini is eight years old, and has experienced a great deal of hardship in her family life. Her father would often abuse her mother physically, which frightened Darshini. 

Sponsor Dharshini